Trafford Dyslexia

Empathetic, professional dyslexia assessments for under 18s in Trafford and the surrounding areas. 

Why have a diagnostic assessment?

Suspecting that your child may have literacy difficulties is a worrying, stressful experience.  

Although an estimated 1 in 10 children are dyslexic, there are still gaps in support and provision that can make diagnosing and supporting your child frustrating and upsetting.  

A diagnostic assessment can help you and your child to understand their own unique pattern of strengths and difficulties, paving the way for more personalised support and intervention. 

What to expect from a formal diagnostic assessment

The battery of tests used for a formal diagnostic assessment can take up to four hours to complete. To ensure your child is as comfortable as possible, testing can usually take place in your own home.  Alternatively, testing can take place in my designated assessment room.  Rest breaks are given as appropriate in order to split the process into manageable chunks.

Following the assessment itself, the data that has been gathered is used to formulate a diagnosis, a detailed report focusing on strengths and weaknesses, plus a series of recommendations to help support your child both at home and at school. You may also be given recommendations to seek assessment from other professionals if your child's results suggest other difficulties may be present (for example dyspraxia or dyscalculia). The completed report will be sent to you as a pdf document.

Assessments are conducted by Jaime Byrne, an AMBDA registered and APC certified assessor with 18 years of experience working in Special Education.

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